Tools for Degree Progress Tracking
Degree Progress Report
The Degree Progress Report (DPR) is an online self-service tool for matriculated degree-seeking undergraduates. It is designed to help students and advisors plan course selection each semester and keep track of the fulfillment of degree requirements.
The DPR evaluates the student’s transcript against their graduation requirements as outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog. It uses courses taken, as well as those in progress, to assess fulfillment of General Education, College, Major and Minor requirements and identifies outstanding requirements.
The report is interactive, changing as courses are added and dropped. Active links within the report provide additional details. When the “View Course List” link is shown under a requirement section, a list of courses is provided that will fulfill that specific requirement. Current class offerings of the course can then be viewed by selecting the link for course catalog description in the given course list.
Degree Progress Reports are available in MaineStreet. Students access the report by navigating to Main Menu > Self Service > Student Center > “Academics” section. The report is generated by selecting the “Degree Progress Report” link.

What-If Report
The What-If Academic Advisement Report is similar to the Degree Progress Report, but it incorporates user-selected scenarios to generate an unofficial report to show degree progress if a student were to change a major, minor, concentration, catalog year, etc.
Creating the What-If Report
- Navigate to the What-If Report from the “other academic” drop down list in the Academics section of the Classic Student Center.
- Click “Create New Report“.
- Create the What-If scenario.
- Career information may not be changed.
- The catalog year, on which the requirements for the new Academic Program/Area of Study are based, will default to the current catalog year.
- Program scenarios default to the student’s current program of study. Program scenario options are based on the programs active at the start of the student’s catalog year and include double majors, minors, and any associated concentrations for majors.
Viewing the What-If Report
- Once the scenario has been created, select the Submit Request button to generate the report. In the example below, the student is creating a what-if scenario for adding a minor in Physics.
- The What-If Report then displays the requirements needed for the Physics minor.
The Planner
The Planner is a tool available in MaineStreet Student Center that helps with planning for enrollment in future classes. The Planner is built by the student and consists of a list of the courses that will be taken during their academic career toward earning their degree. The courses can be organized by term so when enrollment time arrives, the Planner can be used to find sections of courses included in the Planner that are offered for the term and then add them to the Wish List.
Once a student builds their Planner, advisors can view the courses that have been selected. A student’s Planner can be accessed via the Advisor Center or the Student Center. In addition, a version of the Degree Progress Report may be generated by the advisor which would include the courses the student has placed in their Planner.
Important to Note
Although the Planner Report uses the same degree requirements as the Degree Progress Report, the Planner is not a substitute for the Degree Progress Report. It is intended for planning purposes only to simplify the process of enrolling for classes. Best practice is to remove courses from the Planner once enrolled. This will prevent duplication of information on the Planner.
Building the Planner
Access The Planner from the MaineStreet Student Center using the Planner link available under the Academics section of the Student Center.
There are two options available for building the Planner:
- Select courses from the full list of courses in the catalog.
OR - Use the Degree Progress Report that lists the courses as prescribed by the degree requirements. Using the Plan By My Requirements option provides the most benefit.
Building the Planner – Browse Course Catalog (option 1)
- Select the Browse Course Catalog button.
- Search for courses by subject area – use the alphabet index to navigate directly to subjects beginning with a specific letter.
- Select the subject code to expand the list and view all courses. Select the Course Description link or course number to view course details.
- Mark the desired courses and select Add to Planner.
NOTE: Please use the information in the “Typically Offered” column as a guide. The pattern identified for the course does not guarantee that the University will be able to offer the course as planned, nor does it guarantee that it will be available at all campus locations.

Building the Planner – Plan By My Requirements (option 2)
- Select the Plan By My Requirements button to display a version of the Degree Progress Report.
- View the information for the requirements not yet satisfied and identify a course to be added to the Planner.
- Select the hyperlink for the course description (title) and view the course details.
- Select the Add to Planner button.

Organizing Courses in the Planner
The courses in the Planner can be assigned to a specific term. This makes it easier to find sections offered for a term in preparation for enrollment.

Creating the Wish List using the Planner
- Access the Wish List using the Wish List link in the Student Center (also available via the Planner and Enroll links).
- Select the appropriate term.
- Under the “Add to Wish List” section, select the My Planner option and click Search.
- Select a course from the Planner to be added to the Wish List.
- Review the list of available sections of the course and select a section.
- Select Next to add the section to the Wish List.
- You should see a confirmation message once the section has been added to your Wish List.
Additional features of The Planner
- Courses on the Planner are identified on the Plan By My Requirements Report.

- View the details of the requirement being met by selecting the information icon.
- If a planned course has a pre-requisite, use the “yes” link to view the course details, enabling a view of the pre-requisite information.
- Use the View Class Sections button to see the sections offered for the term in which the course has been assigned in the Planner.